Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Are Vampires real?

Do they really exist? Are they what we think they are? Soon you'll see...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Here is a small excerpt from Chapter I...

The brilliant flash of light reminded the troubled man of a distant memory, an event he had nearly forgotten. Within the boundless confines of his intellect, he instantly found himself standing at the edge of what seemed to be an arid sandy waste. All around him, stood men clad in chain-mail intermingled with the occasional plate of contoured steel. Draped over their necks were what appeared to be white tunics dinged and worn with blood red cross’ straddling their torsos. He glanced at his own attire…he was no different, red crux glowing in the early morning glare. With a sharp sword in his right hand and a full shield in the left he discovered cadences emanating from his mouth, all in unison with the others, all in a tongue he knew very well yet not one he had heard lately. He immediately understood that he not only stood on the edge of a sparse dune, he stood on the edge of a battle, one that was commencing right before his eyes. An imposing force had just come into view cresting the nearest mound some thousand feet away. The banners of the opposing army were unfamiliar to him, they were not crosses, stars or even trefoils…they were crescent moons and scimitars. Without much hesitation, the two flesh and metal masses charged each other, some mounted upon steeds, most however, mounted on their own two legs charging like David. The distance between them closed more quickly than he anticipated signaled by the clanging of his shield against an enemy’s sword. He dodged the intruding blade with a countering swipe which splintered the top of his turban bearing adversaries shield. Deflected, the sword struck the man’s neck severing his head from his body. The resulting trauma from the blow sent the decapitated skull rolling beneath the feet of his compatriots. The presence of the detached head, so early in battle, was seen as a bad omen by the Islamic soldiers and consequently weakened their resolve. More began to fall as the battle quickly shifted to a primarily one sided affair. Within David, a rush of energy surged as he slew yet more men. The blood from the field began to seep into the sand, creating crimson clay which clung to the clevis and boots of the warriors. The surge David felt was not a noble emotion; it was likened to the essence of a pack of wild dogs having the insatiable desire for death. The Arabian ranks began to falter as the fiery heart burrowed deeper and broader into their throng. And in the middle stood David, slicing indiscriminately; sword, hilt and even gauntlet drenched in blood. The red viscous essence lay sprinkled about his garb like some unhinged bovine butcher.  

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Is there such a thing as Christian action/horror?

Is there room in the action/horror genres for a Christian perspective? Especially in light of current world affairs. The answer, I believe, is yes indeed there is such a thing as Christian action and horror. Albeit rate, it can be found.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

the Dark Illuminated manuscript

Some of the art of Morthorn is my Dark Illuminated manuscript which accompanies each and every chapter.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What is a Vampire, what things do they hold dear?

I'm still finalizing the first installment of 'To Roseda Thorn' but as a curiosity, I am asking those who happen across this blog: What do you think constitutes a 'Vampire' and what things, if any, would they treasure in their tormented existence?

Monday, April 29, 2013

I both write and illustrate

Since I do both, write and illustrate, progression can be tedious. But I have transcribed several hundred words and written many more in the last few days. It's the tie of lose ends that seems the most time consuming...